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Every Child Matters...
Ceredigion Pupil referral unit
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Ceredigion PRU. Ceredgion PRU provides a bespoke, individual educational provision for pupils aged between 8 and 16 years old. Learners have a range of Additional Learning Needs as well as Social, Emotional Behavioural Difficulties.
Mr Gareth Lewis – Headteacher
message from the headteacher
We are very proud of our school, its young people and their achievements. What you will not be able to experience on our website is the inclusive and positive ethos and high standard of teaching and learning that many of our visitors comment on! Our highly skilled and dedicated staff provide a personalised approach in order to meet the needs of each individual pupil, encouraging them to become lifelong learners and be able to contribute positively to their communities.
Ceredigion PRU prides itself on developing and maintaining excellent partnerships with a range of agencies and members of the wider community, that enriches the curriculum and personal support that our pupils receive. They include partnerships with Health and Social Services, TAF, YJPS, Counsellors, CHOICES, Police Link Education Officers, Educational Psychology Service, ALN Advisory Service, Alternative Curriculum Providers, HCT, Careers Wales and local employers, Mainstream Schools and local community groups. We also pride ourselves on the many positive relationships that we develop with our parents and families that ensures we improve our pupils health and well-being.
Our core values
To support our pupils physical and mental health, well-being and happiness by providing a nurturing environment and individual, specialist support.
To provide an engaging, motivational, inclusive and individualised curriculum for each pupil in our care, that will ensure continuous progress in all aspects of learning
To develop our pupils key skills in Literacy, Numeracy and Digital competency
To use a range of strategies that will enable our pupils to reintegrate into a mainstream setting, that will further develop their motivation to learn and achieve
To support our pupils individual social, emotional, behavioural, moral, spiritual and cultural development that will enable them to accept greater responsibility for their own actions.
To identify and practice strategies and skills for learning and for life that will ensure independence and help our pupils make the right choices
Provide our pupils with a range of opportunities to gain nationally recognised accreditation.
To ensure that our pupil’s will contribute actively to society in a positive way
To prepare our pupils for the world of work
To develop Global Citizens ready for future society